Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Step 3: Creating an Explanatory Website

The next step in creating your explanatory Website is creating a web map that shows how pages are connected to each other. A website includes a home page, main pages and subsidiary pages. You should be able to link to every page from every page. That mean that a link to each page needs to be placed on the navigation of all the main pages and the home page. The web map for the Call Center Management website is displayed below:

The link below will alow you to see the web map in full page view.

Step 2: Creating an Explanatory Web site

The next step in creating an Explanatory Website is creating an outline. The following is the outline for the proposed execution of a Website for Call Center Management:

To view this outline as full page follow this link.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Part 1: Creating an Explanatory Web site

The next consecutive blog posts will walk you through the creation and execution of explanatory Web site. The Web site will be done using XHTML and CSS on Dreamweaver. Steps will include website idea proposal and purpose, creation of centent, mapping web pages, and creating design.

Part 1: Proposal

I propose a website that will discuss how to motivate a fundraising calling center. A fundraising calling center is used in colleges and other organizations to receive funds for programming, buildings, scholarships, and other accessory funds.

As a student manager at the University of Florida’s Florida Fund RepDials' Phone Program, I do have expertise in the field of running a calling center. One of the major problems and issues in calling centers is motivating a large group of employees to make phone calls for up to four hours at a time. Making sure employees are enthusiastic is important to how your request for funds is received by the gifting alumni, faculty, student or friend of the university.

This Web site will include sections for Recruitment, Training, Motivational Games, Manager-Caller Communication, and Discipline. An interview will be done with the Director of the Florida Fund RepDials' Phone Program, student managers, and callers at the site. This will be displayed in question and answer form on different site pages. A video will be created that shows a typical day at the calling center at the University of Florida.