Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In Review: NABJ Conference 2009

For everyone who was unable to attend the amazing National Association of Black Journalists Conference this last week in Tampa, I have included some tools and links that I found insightful from some of the workshops at this year’s conference.

Multimedia on a Budget: Producing Online Projects without Spending a Dime

This presentation by representatives from UC Berkley’s Knight Digital Media Center gave a short preview of some amazing free Web sites that allow you to utilize the same tools found in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, and even Soundslides.com. If you are interested in making interactive Web sites, utilizing audio, editing video, editing photos, and making great slides check out these Web sites.

http://www.soundslides.com/ ( about $40.00 for a year)
http://www.vuvox.com/ (create timeline type video to imbed into a Web site)
http://www.photosynth.net/ (by Microsoft – allows people to send in photos from an event and collaborate them into a slideshow that shows the event or location pictures from different angles)

Audio Editing
http://www.audioboo.com/ (audio blogging, record to iPhone and post to site)

http://www.jaycut.com/ (allows you to edit video online and download it to your computer)
http://www.vimeo.com/ (good for imbedding video to your own site)


For More Information: http://www.10000words.net/

PR in the Matrix: How Advances in Social Media Catapult Your PR Efforts to New Heights

A panel including TJ Holmes (CNN anchor), Mya Holley (Tom Joyner Morning Show Publicist), and Mario Armstrong (from National Public Radio) gave insight on how to use social media to add to your public relations efforts. Here’s a list of the what I thought was the best advice for adding social media to your PR plan.

1. Use Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to quickly promote your blog or Web site to people. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn will bring in traffic.
2. Learn SEO, Search Engine Optimization. This will help you choose the right keywords to allow search engines to catch your Web site or blog.
3. Use http://www.twtpoll.com/ to take yes/no simple opinion polls.
4. “There’s no such thing as personal if you’re the public face of a brand,” said Mario Armstrong. Make sure you make separate personal and professional Twitter accounts. However, always be careful of what you say on the personal account as well.
5. When you are choosing people to follow on Twitter keep in mind what your goals are and who gives the best information. Sites such as http://www.retweetist.com/ allow you to find out who is getting Retweeted most often.

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